Customer Testimonials

"Howard and his HousePrep team are always reliable to do a perfect job, done very professionally and always for a reasonable price. I have them service my home when I am at work and I always return to an amazing job and their cleanup afterward is spotless. Most importantly...I trust them completely and have peace of mind that everything will go as planned. I've never worked with a company that is as trustworthy and professional in all manners of operation. I am so glad I found them many years ago."

- Deborah Spaete, Danville

"Howard is very communicative, always answers his cell phone to address job issues...very hard to find in the home services industry".

- Barbara E., Blackhawk

"All I can say is 'Perfection', that is what I've come to expect from their job results".

- Mark C, Pleasanton

HousePrep does a far better job for me every year than any other company ever has...reasonably priced and always done perfect...they're amazing!

- Stanley Brooks, Dublin

"HousePrep exceeds my expectation every time. It's truly amazing how much caring and focus they put into every service they do for me."

- John L, Alamo

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